jute API

class jute.Attribute(description=None, *, type=<class 'object'>)[source]

Bases: object

Specify a non-function attribute in an interface.

  • description – The doc-string for the attribute.
  • type – The type of a valid value for the attribute.

Any attribute which is part of an interface, but is not a method, should be defined as an Attribute:

class IExample(jute.Opaque):

    value = jute.Attribute()

    def double(self):
        """Return twice the value."""

class Example:

    value = 1

    def double(self):
        return 2 * self.value
class jute.Interface[source]

Bases: type

A metaclass to allow classes to define interfaces.

Each class with this metaclass will create an interface allowing access only to the attributes in the class. Attributes can be provided as functions or using the Attribute class. Any other types will be available as attributes of the interface class, but not as attributes of interface instances.

An instances of the interface class is a called a provider. A provider maps interface attributes to an underlying Python object. The provider behaves the same as the underlying object, but only allows access to the attributes named in the interface.

cast(interface, source)[source]

Attempt to cast one interface to another.

This method allows the caller to access another interface supported by the underlying object. Use the cast() method sparingly, since it breaks the model of interface-based programming.

Note that upcasting (casting an interface to a base interface) can be done by calling the interface constructor:

class IFoo(jute.Opaque):
    """An interface."""

class IFooBar(IFoo):
    """A sub-interface of IFoo."""

class IBaz(jute.Opaque):
    """A completely different interface."""

@implements(IFooBar, IBaz)
class FooBarBaz:
    """A class that implements all the above interfaces."""

fb1 = IFooBar(FooBarBaz())
foo = IFoo(fb1)      # upcast does not need cast
fb2 = IFooBar.cast(foo)  # downcast needs a cast
baz = IBaz.cast(fb2)     # sidecast needs a cast
implemented_by(interface, cls)[source]

Check if class claims to provide the interface.

Note that classes that implement the DynamicInterface interface cannot dynamically claim to implement an interface, although individual instances can claim to provide an interface.

Return bool:True if interface is implemented by the class, else False.
provided_by(interface, obj)[source]

Check if object claims to provide the interface.

This will be true if the object’s class claims to provide the interface. It will also be true if the object provides the DynamicInterface interface, and the DynamicInterface.provides_interface() method returns True when passed this interface.

Return bool:True if interface is provided by the object, else False.
raise_if_not_provided_by(interface, obj, validate=None)[source]

Return if object provides the interface. Raise an informative error if not.

register_implementation(interface, cls)[source]

Register a provider class to the interface.

This is useful for declaring that a standard or third-party class provides an interface, when it cannot be decorated with the implements decorator.

supported_by(interface, obj)[source]

Check if underlying object claims to provide the interface.

Although it allows the caller to see if the underlying object supports an interface, it does not provide access to the interface, unless the interfaces contain attributes in common. This makes it most useful for performing feature checks using marker interfaces (interfaces that have the same syntax, but additional semantics).

Return bool:True if the underlying object claims to provide the interface, or False otherwise.
class jute.Opaque(provider)[source]

Bases: object

An interface with no attributes.

This interface has two uses.

It provides the base class for other interfaces to inherit.

In addition, it can be used as an opaque handle to an object. A method can return an object wrapped by Opaque in order to make it inscrutable to callers.

class jute.DynamicInterface(provider)[source]

Bases: jute._jute.Opaque

Interface to dynamically provide other interfaces.


Check whether this instance provides an interface.

This method returns True when the interface class is provided, or False when the interface is not provided.


Decorator to mark a class as implementing the supplied interfaces.

To implement an interface, the class instances must define all attributes in the interface.


Obtain the non-interface object wrapped by this interface.

Use the underlying_object() function sparingly, since it breaks the model of interface-based programming. It is primarily useful for debugging.

exception jute.InterfaceConformanceError(message)[source]

Bases: Exception

Object does not conform to interface specification.

Exception indicating that an object claims to provide an interface, but does not match the interface specification.

This is almost a TypeError, but an object provides two parts to its interface implementation: a claim to provide the interface, and the attributes that match the interface specification. This exception indicates the partial match of claiming to provide the interface, but not actually providing all the attributes required by an interface.

It could also be considered an AttributeError, as when validation is off, that is the alternative exception (that might be) raised. However, future versions of this module may perform additional validation to catch TypeError’s (e.g. function parameter matching).

It was also tempting to raise a NotImplementedError, which captures some of the meaning. However, NotImplementedError is usually used as a marker for abstract methods or in-progress partial implementations. In particular, a developer of an interface provider class may use NotImplementedError to satisfy the interface where they know the code does not use a particular attribute of the interface. Using a different exception causes less confusion.

exception jute.InvalidAttributeName(attribute)[source]

Bases: Exception

Interface defines invalid attribute name.

There are a small number of special attributes that are provided by the interface provider to implement the provider. These attributes cannot be attributes of an interface.